Who Benefits from Playing the Lottery


The obvious answer of who benefits you would think is the person playing the lottery. More specifically if the player wins one of the huge jackpots available to them. Sure the winner will have their life changed forever and be able to have financial freedom for themselves and their loved ones.

How does the lottery change lives for those other than the lottery winners themselves? Many of the lotteries around the world are setup to have a portion of the profits from ticket sales benefit other organizations and charities. Over the course of many years this can add up to be a rather large sum of financial assistance.

In the United States, Powerball contributes funding from ticket sales back to the states that participate in the drawings. Those states in turn decide where to allocate those funds. Often it is provided as funding for public schools. This is extremely important because many of the states have cut funding for schools and without the money coming in from the lottery, the potential for school closings would be greater.  That would be a crushing blow to the children that rely on those schools for education as well as nutrition and other extra curricular activities.

Of course in the U.S. taxes are taken from the winnings of all lotteries across the country. They are disseminated throughout the country as well to be put back into maintaining government, roads and highways, parks, hospitals and other service organizations.

Billions of dollars are put back into the community each year from Powerball ticket sales. Because some governments use this money as a replacement for funding they have cut or otherwise eliminated, the proceeds of Powerball sales is an integral part of everyday life within the communities where the tickets are sold.

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